About | 01.11.2017 | By paul_simpson

Template constitution for BATOD Regions and Nations based on that developed by BATOD North and adopted on 3 November 2011

Section 1: Title

The title shall be BATOD Region/Nation Constitution

Section 2: Constitution

BATOD Region/Nation is subject to the constitution of the National Body with particular regard to Section 20: Constituent Regions/Nations of the Association which states:

  1. Constituent Regional/National Committees shall be fully accountable to the NEC.
  2. Each Constituent Region/Nation shall elect a Chair. The functions of a secretary, a treasurer and a membership registrar should be provided for by the Committee.
  3. The Constituent Region/Nation shall arrange to hold an Annual General Meeting and other General Meetings, Committee Meetings and functions as frequently and in such places within the Constituent Region/Nation as is considered desirable.
  4. Each Constituent Region/Nation will submit its independently examined accounts each year for the period August 1st to July 31st to the National Treasurer immediately after their Annual General Meeting.
  5. The size and composition of the Constituent Regional/National Committee shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Constituent Region/Nation.
  6. No restrictions shall be imposed on registered members of the Association attending meetings arranged in any Constituent Region/Nation but they may only vote on the business of the Constituent Region/Nation with which they are registered.
  7. Constituent Regions/Nations should conduct their affairs according to the spirit of the whole Association and in accordance with these Rules and Constitution.
  8. Constituent Regions/Nations shall be responsible for providing full Members registered with them with the means of proof of their eligibility to vote on a show of hands at any general meeting of the Association.
    Signatories on accounts must include the BATOD National Treasurer

In addition – to meet the needs of Region/Nation the following additions will apply.

  1. Aims and objectives

    1. To support Teachers of the Deaf to facilitate the overall educational development of deaf children and young people within all educational settings within the United Kingdom and to minimise professional isolation
    2. To organise meetings for all Teachers of the Deaf and professionals working in the field within Region/Nation in order to:
      1. Provide in-service training
      2. Encourage the sharing of expertise between colleagues
      3. To reflect opinions and views of members on current issues and facilitate a two-way dialogue between BATOD Region/Nation and the NEC.
    3. To maintain and improve the status of Teachers of the Deaf as specialists in the field of education and deafness through access to present-day research and current good practice.
    4. To increase the membership of BATOD Region/Nation by ensuring that the activities of the Region reflect its character and the needs of members.
  2. Membership

    Membership shall be in accordance with the rules and constitution of the NEC of BATOD section 4

  3. Organisation

    1. Officers
      1. Only members of the Committee shall be eligible to hold office
      2. The officers will consist of: Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and will be appointed by the committee
      3. Officers shall be appointed, with their agreement for a two year period but they may serve for further terms
      4. In the event of an officer leaving the post within the two year period the Committee shall appoint another of its members to the post (with their agreement)
      5. One person may hold only one office at any one time.
      6. BATOD Region/Nation committee shall appoint a representative, with their agreement, to serve on BATOD NEC for a period of three years to fit in with national elections. On completion the person may be re-elected for a further three years.
    2. Individual Committee Members
      1. There shall be at least 6 committee members
      2. Committee members shall be nominated to the committee for a period of two years and shall be eligible for re-nomination.
      3. Additional full members may be co-opted by the committee as appropriate.
      4. NEC officers residing in Region/Nation will be invited to attend all committee meetings.
    3. Electoral procedures

      1. The officers of BATOD Region/Nation shall be appointed by the committee with a majority agreement between the members
  4. Meetings

    a) BATOD Region/Nation shall organise an AGM and other such general meetings/conferences as is considered desirable. b) The committee shall meet for a minimum of three sessions per year. Further meetings may be arranged as required. d) A quorum (i) For committee meetings there shall be 50% of the committee (ii) For General and Annual General Meetings there shall be a quorum of the committee and at least 5 others or more full members of the BATOD Region/Nation registered members

  5. Finance

    1. Conferences/workshops and general meetings shall aim to be self-financing
    2. The regional committee expenditure shall be funded from the subscription allocated from National funds
    3. A balance sheet to be audited and accepted at the AGM