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24.09.2021 | By Teresa Quail

BATOD Online Language Modification Courses

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BATOD Online Language Modification Courses.

Tier 1 – coming very soon!

 This course will be useful CPD for any Qualified Teachers of the Deaf (QToDs )who want to refresh their knowledge and understanding of written language and its use.

It will also be available for anyone with an interest in writing accessible examination questions including those colleagues working in the post-16 sector and those in support roles .

It provides a balance of knowledge based learning and practical quiz type assessments which can be taken as many times as required.

Tier 2 will follow.

This is a more in depth course focusing on modification of actual questions. It is for QToDs who have passed Tier 1 and are interested in becoming a BATOD accredited Language Modifier (LM).

There are formal assessments to complete and those who pass well, will be invited to join the team of BATOD LMs.