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01.07.2022 | By Teresa Quail

Cochlear – Generic links for QToDs/ToDs in training

Posted in News

Thank you to Cochlear for sharing some generic links that QToDs/ToDs in training might find useful.


·       A useful comparison chart of the sound processors can be found here 

·       Cochlear Nucleus processor ‘how to’ videos and product manuals can be accessed on our website through this link. 


Mini microphones 

It’s always useful to check with student what wireless devices they have, and if they have more than one.  It’s also useful to know what order their wireless devices have been paired to their processor/s and whether or not they have telecoil activated as this will determine how many times they will need to push their button on their N7 processor (for 2sec) to activate streaming.  

Here you will find a useful link to the true wireless device user guide.  




The guide provides useful information on how to: 

·       Pair devices OR you can watch this pairing video here 



·       Activate streaming OR you can watch this streaming video here  

o   The most important thing to remind the student to do is to ensure the mini-microphone is switched on, and that they push the button on their Nucleus 7 for 2 seconds until they are in the appropriate true wireless device setting. To stop streaming it’s a short push. 

·       MM2+ buttons: