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17.06.2021 | By Teresa Quail

Coronavirus and deaf education – Survey for Teachers of the Deaf – deadline 23rd June

Posted in News

If you haven’t already completed this survey, please do so as we need a good range of responses.

We will use the responses to inform our engagement with DfE, Ofsted and the teaching unions.

Coronavirus and deaf education – Survey for Teachers of the Deaf

This survey is for Teachers of the Deaf and asks for your views on how deaf children and young people’s education has been affected by coronavirus. It has been produced by the National Deaf Children’s Society and BATOD.

NDCS is continuing to liaise with officials and Ministers across the UK on areas of concern around specialist support for deaf children and young people. In responding to this survey, you will be helping to make the strongest evidence-based case to UK Governments on where further action may be needed.

BATOD is continuing to liaise with Union bodies across the UK on the areas of concern for the Teacher of the Deaf profession. We want to hear your views.

The survey should not take more than 10 minutes to complete.

Take the survey now