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18.06.2018 | By paul_simpson

Deaf children from Roma families research project – conference

Posted in News

Improving educational and social outcomes for deaf children of Roma families in the UK

BATOD is supporting this research project into issues related to deaf children from the Slovak Roma population in the UK directed by Professor Ruth Swanwick of Leeds University. NEC member Jackie Salter is also a member of the group. I represented BATOD. BATOD’s main role will be general support and dissemination through the website, magazine, conferences, newsletter and other media. It is hoped that this small-scale project will lead to a wider one looking at the issues related to deaf children who are migrants and new arrivals in the future.

The project website is here: https://deafed.leeds.ac.uk/roma-children/

On November 3rd there is a conference to discuss the findings of the project. For more details click here.

Paul Simpson, National Executive Officer