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12.05.2019 | By Teresa Quail


Posted in News

Understanding how to effectively manage bills is important for young people as they move into a world of indepenence.  For some young adults deafPLUS might be a potentially useful signposting link.  “deafPLUS offers one to one confidential advice on debt, money management and improving financial literacy via FaceTime and Skype as well as face to face using British Sign Language.” They currently operate in Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Ealing, Bromley and Croydon in London as well as Birmingham, Bath and Hampshire but are expanding their advice nationwide. To learn more about deafPLUS visit their website: http://www.deafplus.org/

Recently deafPLUS were awarded £8,000 by UK Power Networks’ Power Partners fund to train 15 advisors so they can deliver advice to deaf people. “The training provided by National Energy Action will equip advisors with the knowledge and skills to help clients with fuel debt to maximize their income and to budget; or to avoid getting into debt. It will lead to a City and Guilds accreditation for the trainees. The grant will also help the charity publish online advice and make a professional British Sign Language (BSL) video on how to get help with fuel debt.” To learn more about UK Power Partners contact their communications officer Carolyn.bramble@ukpowernetworks.co.uk