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01.12.2021 | By Teresa Quail

Face covering – Pupil views – Modified LIFE resource

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During the pandemic, BATOD member and QToD, Clare Randall, modified David Canning’s established and familiar LIFE-UK resource for the current classroom context. Clare has kindly allowed her resource to be made available for use by other members. ‘Assessing how difficult it is to listen with Covid-19 related adjustments in place’.


The National Deaf Children’s Society has responded to the news that face masks will be “strongly advised” in communal areas in secondary schools and colleges across England.

Jo Campion, Deputy Director at the National Deaf Children’s Society, said:

“The return of face masks in schools will fill deaf students with dread. Whenever face masks are worn, lip reading becomes impossible and this will leave thousands of them struggling to communicate, especially during the important social opportunities school life provides. They will also have to live with the possibility that face masks could return to classrooms at any point, a move which could have a devastating effect on their education yet again.

“Public health is the priority, but the law is very clear; schools and colleges must do everything they can to meet the needs of deaf students.”