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11.01.2021 | By paul_simpson

Further DfE update on face coverings

Posted in News

DfE (England) has now updated the guidance on face coverings in education.

This includes a section around the national lockdown.

In short, DfE is continuing to advise that face coverings are not usually necessary in classrooms. They highlight the negative impact this can have on teaching and learning.

However, as before, there is nothing to stop schools from going beyond the guidance if they feel necessary.

As was the case in tier 2+ areas last autumn, face coverings will be required in secondary schools in communal areas, during the national lockdown.

During national lockdown, in education settings where year 7 and above are educated, face coverings should be worn by adults (staff and visitors) and pupils when moving around indoors, such as in corridors and communal areas where social distancing is difficult to maintain. As in the general approach, it will not usually be necessary to wear face coverings in the classroom, where protective measures already mean the risks are lower, and they may inhibit teaching and learning.