20 May 2020 is ‘National Thank A Teacher Day’.
Thank you to all the Teachers of the Deaf who have changed their intervention delivery methods to support learning at home for children/young people, and their parents, during the coronavirus pandemic. Especially those Teachers of the Deaf (and support staff) working in schools to support many vulnerable cohorts. Not forgetting the HeadTeachers who are supporting and safeguarding their staff, children and local community.
Thank you to the Teachers of the Deaf who are finding ways to support parents of recently diagnosed babies.
Plus a big THANK YOU to those NHS employed Teachers of the Deaf who have been redeployed to work in Covid wards supporting their valued colleagues.
BATOD recognises this is a challenging time and urges members to consider completing the BATOD survey on the impact of Covid on deaf CYP and on YOU – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BATOD-Covid-19. We want to capture as many opinions as possible. Thank you.