We have received a message from Carla Rose-Hardman, Head of Family Programmes and Involvement
“I just wanted to update you on a couple of additions to the family programme to share with families, professionals and contacts you may have.
Firstly from our new Raising a Deaf Child Curriculum we have developed a series of videos from topics that have been specifically chosen because of feedback we have had from families and staff about what parents need right now to support them with parenting. Hopefully at a time when parenting has been particularly challenging these videos led by our tutors will provide some help.
Secondly amongst our range of online events about education, health and well-being we have our 2nd coffee morning for families to come together socially on July 21st 10.30-11.30, to have some fun and chat to each other. It would be lovely to see lots of members again there to chat to us and share experiences as the last coffee morning was a really positive one!
Videos of recent presentations have also now been made available to professionals through our Professional Training and Consultancy team. https://www.ndcs.org.uk/our-services/services-for-professionals/training-courses/#
Please direct any queries to me or the events team at events@ndcs.org.uk”