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28.01.2021 | By paul_simpson

NDCS has updated its resource on assessments for deaf children

Posted in News

A message from Ian Noon:

I’m pleased to say that we’ve updated our resource on assessments for deaf children.


As before, this provides some information about key principles and good practice around using specialist assessments. It also includes information on specialist assessments available to use with deaf children in the following areas:

  • early communication skills
  • language skills
  • listening skills
  • literacy skills
  • mathematics
  • cognitive development
  • social and emotional development

Colleagues who were familiar with the previous weighty PDF version of the resource will see that it has been moved over to a series of webpages. We hope that this will make it easier for colleagues to find information most relevant to them. It will also enable us to update information more frequently.

To navigate around the webpages, we suggest that colleagues make use of the back button on their browser or use the ‘breadcrumbs’ that appear at the top of each page.

We welcome any feedback on the resource – and please also let us know if you spot any glitches on the webpages.

With thanks to Tina Wakefield for all of her work in updating this content.

Ian Noon

Chief Policy Advisor

The National Deaf Children’s Society

Castle House, 37-45 Paul Street, London EC2A 4LS