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08.11.2020 | By Teresa Quail

NDCS new Expert Parent programme is now ready for online delivery!

Posted in News

NDCS have released details of their new online Expert Parent programme

NDCS report “We have shifted from a half-day session to 3 online workshops that will be about 1.5 hours each. Parents are requested to sign up to all 3 to get the full benefit.

The workshops will be an opportunity for parents to find out how to achieve the best outcomes for their child. It will help them to find positive ways to get the right support from health, education and other services, and learn more about their child’s rights. It will also be a good time to meet and talk to other parents about their experiences, share ideas and get support. It’s a really interactive workshop with lots of time for small group work and chats with other parents, and will hopefully help bring parents together and boost their confidence at this time.

The first sessions start on the 12th, 19th and 26th November 7-8.30pm.

Families can book on here https://www.ndcs.org.uk/our-services/our-events/events-for-parents-carers-and-families/online-events/expert-parent-programme/

We also have a wide range of other online events including our new Raising a Deaf Child sessions here https://www.ndcs.org.uk/our-services/our-events/events-for-parents-carers-and-families/online-events/

Family Sign Language is also launching next Monday and will be focusing on families most in need of that support across the UK. Web link from Monday is https://www.ndcs.org.uk/our-services/our-events/events-for-parents-carers-and-families/online-events/family-sign-language-course/ and availability will be limited. Our FSL video course is of course available to all still.”