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23.11.2020 | By paul_simpson

NHS and PHE Flu Vaccination programme – BSL resources

Posted in News

Following the launch of this years NHS and Public Health England Flu Vaccination programme additional resources including BSL versions of leaflets and social films are now available to help you encourage your audiences to get the flu vaccine.

As you are probably aware with flu and coronavirus (COVID-19) both in circulation it is particularly important those who are eligible for the free flu vaccine including people with long term health conditions, a learning disability or autism, those aged 65 and over, pregnant women and carers get vaccinated this year. Research shows that if you get both at the same time you may be more seriously ill.

This year’s programme is supported by a major new TV, radio and digital marketing campaign which highlights the increased eligibility for the jab this year and encourage take up for the free flu vaccine. We are asking for your help to communicate and reinforce the messaging through your networks and reach people who may not have previously thought it necessary to get the jab as well as people who are eligible for the first time such as those who are on the NHS shielded patient list and people who live with them.

To help with this attached are relevant resources and links which along with other assets are also at campaignresources.phe.gov.uk

These include:

British Sign Language assets 

– The Flu vaccination – who should have it and why – BSL leaflet (available on the nhs.uk/fluvaccine website) FluBSLleaflet

–  ‘Just’ the flu BSL version of the TV ad FluBSLtv

– ‘Just’ the Flu –10s social films and 30s TVad to download FluSoc10sBSL

–  Stay Well This Winter – a more general BSL leaflet which as well as flu includes information about keeping well, Covid-19 and where to go for advice SWBSLlflt

Details of social activity is below but if you prefer to retweet here is a recent post using the BSL TV ad and flagging the formats: FluTwtTV

General resources

– a partner toolkit which tells you more about the ‘Just the flu’ campaign including who is eligible and details of resources which can be tailored with your logos and text including posters highlighting (open file version and empty belly versions) and digital assets  (website/email banners, social media statics/films and digital screens) all available on the CRC

– communications and social toolkit featuring key messages, suggested copy for use in web content, newsletters and mailings (page 14) and the recent press release

– the general ‘Flu vaccination – who should have it and why’ leaflet (standard and braille versions available to order from the CRC and to view at nhs.uk/fluvaccine)

– easy read materials including leaflets and posters available at nhs.uk/fluvaccine (or order copies from the CRC) and a film for people with a learning disability about the vaccine at  https://youtu.be/eZ1vDai8u5o and for carers https://youtu.be/R-ZWQe21ow8