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28.04.2020 | By Teresa Quail

Northern Ireland – BSL/ISL Remote Sign Language Interpreting Service – now live

Posted in News

The new comprehensive service launched was launched recently.  It can be accessed at the following links:

·         NHS111 Northern Ireland COVID19 Advice Line: https://interpreternow.co.uk/nhs111ni

·         All other Health and Social Care services: https://interpreternow.co.uk/hscni

Further details about the service, along with links to videos in BSL and ISL that explain how the service works and how to access it, is also available on the Health and Social Care Board website here: http://www.hscboard.hscni.net/interpreting-service-bsl-isl/

A press statement is also available on the Department of Health website here, again with links to BSL and ISL translations: https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/news/remote-interpreting-service-established-sign-language-users

This service is a temporary arrangement (planned for 9 months): it has been established rapidly to enable access to services in the unprecedented COVID-19 situation.