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02.09.2021 | By Teresa Quail

RCSLT Build Back Better SLT report – Govt response to Fund SLT petition

Posted in News

Request from RCSLT colleagues


“Dear colleagues,

We hope you are well and have had a good summer. We wanted to let you have an update on our Build Back Better SLT report following the Government’s response to the Fund SLT petition. (And apologies if a similar email has come to you through another route.)

As you may have seen, the petition passed the 10,000 signature mark at the beginning of July and the Government formally responded just before Parliament went into recess:

Fund improved support for people with communication and swallowing needs – Petitions (parliament.uk)

Along with those who tabled the petition, we issued an interim statement in July: Joint statement on the Government response to the petition | RCSLT

To support public affairs activity through the autumn, we are now working on a formal response which we hope to publish later this month. We are keen for this response to be informed by your thoughts and reflections on what the Government has said.

If you had any comments on how what the Government has said would impact on and/or is relevant to your beneficiaries, please could you let us have them by close of play on Friday, 10 September? We can then let you see the draft statement before publication.

We are also thinking about some potential joint work in October and will come back to you on that once we’ve finalised our thoughts.

In the meantime, any continuing promotion you could give to the petition would be great and if you had any queries, please let us know.”