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15.07.2019 | By Teresa Quail

READY Study – new large-scale longitudinal study

Posted in News

The Universities of Manchester and Edinburgh are looking for deaf young people aged 15 to 18 to join a new large-scale longitudinal study – The READY Study. READY stands for Recording Emerging Adulthood in Deaf Youth.

Your support is sought to help this six year long research study about young deaf people achieve a cohort size of over 500 deaf youths from a wide variety of backgrounds aged between 16 and 23 years old. The goal is to understand better how to support young deaf people to achieve their goals on their way to becoming independent adults.

Please note it is only open to young deaf people living in England, Scotland or Wales.

To learn more click this link https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/thereadystudy/?utm_campaign=2019%2007%20Professionals%27%20Update%20England%20version&utm_source=emailCampaign&utm_content&utm_medium=email