BATOD has received the following request for participants in a research project. Please pass it on to any young person who might be interested in taking part.
My name is Amelia and I am a second year Trainee Clinical Psychologist at King’s. I am also deaf. I am currently recruiting for my research project which forms part of my Clinical Psychology Doctoral research. I wondered if you would mind sharing this information with anyone who may be interested in participating. Participants will be paid £30 as a thank you for taking part in the research. This research will also inform how psychological interventions can be adapted and used with deaf people. We know that a lot of interventions are not suitable for deaf people.
I would like to include a diverse range of experiences. I am looking for deaf or hard of hearing participants:
- Over 18 years of age
- Born deaf or became deaf later in life
- Any level of hearing loss (e.g. moderate, severe, profound, HoH, etc.)
- Any communication preference (e.g. Spoken English, Sign Supported English, British Sign Language, learnt sign language later in life, a combination, other)
This really is open to any deaf/hard of hearing people who may be interested in participating!
What will happen if I take part?
If you choose to take part in the project, we are interested in your judgements about inner voices/inner signing. In this study we are interested to see what differences exist in terms of inner speech and signing in deaf people.
Participation will take place online via Zoom and you will be asked to complete a task which should take approximately 1-2 hours to complete. You will be asked (in your preferred language) to sort a set of statements related to inner speech or signing into different piles. You will also be given a chance to discuss your choices with the experimenter and ask any questions. You will also be asked to fill out a background questionnaire.
You will be paid £30 via bank transfer or a £30 Love2Shop voucher if you prefer as a thank you for participating.
If you would like more information or if you have any questions at all, then please contact me on:
email: or text/WhatsApp: 07795462878.
Finally here is an information sheet for participants.