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02.11.2020 | By paul_simpson

Research into mental health support for children with SLCN

Posted in News

Please see this request for support for a research project

I am based at the University of York and we are currently surveying parents of children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) regarding their experiences of mental health support for their children. We know that children receiving support for mental health problems are more likely to have speech, language and communication needs – but we do not know how these needs affect the support children receive. We want to hear from parents about what they think.

We are hoping to hear from over 300 families of children with SLCN, so we need help from charities to reach as many families as we can. We are particularly interested in hearing from families of children with developmental language disorder, autism and hearing problems, but families of children with any SLCN are welcome to take part.

If you would be willing to support this project, the survey can be sent to families and completed online, using the following link: http://tinyurl.com/DLDmentalhealth

The link starts with a summary about what the study entails, followed by a consent form. The survey takes around 15-20 minutes, and families can select a charity for our research team to make a donation to as a thank you for their time.

If you have any questions about this project, please do get in touch with the project lead, Dr Hannah Hobson (Hannah.hobson@york.ac.uk).

Thank you for taking the time to consider our research.

You can download a flyer about the project here.

Kind Regards

Mya Kalsi, on behalf of the EMERALD research team.