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20.02.2020 | By paul_simpson

Research participation request – radio aids and auditory implants

Posted in News

Please see the following request from Marianne Haylett

Dear colleague

I am a Qualified Teacher of the Deaf currently undertaking some research as part of the MA Deaf Education Studies through Mary Hare School and the University of Hertfordshire.

I am interested in the attitudes of professionals towards the use of Radio Aids with young children who have auditory implants (cochlear implants, BAHAs etc) and would be very grateful if you would
complete the survey which you can find here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GP9YS69

The survey has been granted Ethics Approval by the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities ECDA of
the University of Hertfordshire (Protocol number cEDU/PGT/UH/04463). Page 2 of the survey asks
for your name and contact details for the purpose of ensuring your consent to participate. However, as you would expect, all data will be anonymised and arrangements have been approved for responses to be stored securely.

I do hope that you will feel able to take part in this study and I thank you for your time.

Marianne Haylett
Qualified Teacher of the Deaf

St George’s Auditory Implant Service