2a. Creating rich language home environments
Families are supported to
- create a rich communication and language environment
- understand the broad range of reasons to communicate
- understand how language and communication development for a deaf baby/child is different
- experience opportunities to observe/engage with the range of communication used by deaf people
- understand what is needed to achieve their communication goal
- have a shared understanding and value the importance of language in creating relationships in the family and community
- understand the importance of language in learning and literacy
- understand the importance of language supporting sense of self
- know how to access information on the different types of communication and support from a range of organisations
- know about a range of resources available to support literacy
- co-produce communication goals.
Suggested resources
- Wellcomm Early Years, Development Matters, Every Child a Communicator (Purchases via Wellcomm website)
- NDCS Success from the Start
- Language Planning Document
- Signed story – Freddie and the Fairy (BSL/SSE) – YouTube
- CochlearGlobal – Chit Chat Family video – YouTube
- NSPCC research (2022) Look, Say, Sing, Play – Brain-building tips
- Quality Standards for use of personal radio aids – Assistive Listening Technology Working Group (ALTWG) webpage
- University of Leeds ‘Deaf children’s bimodal bilingualism and education‘ Paper
- University of Reading – Centre of Literacy & Multilingualism’ ‘Deaf Children with English as an Additional Language (EAL)‘
- Royal Shakespeare Company – Signing Shakespeare for deaf students
- Cued Speech – Deaf Choices UK website
- Auditory Verbal UK
- Makaton
- NDCS – Deaf education map
Next pages
2b. Communication and language in education
2d. Technology for communication
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Section 1 – Deaf identity