The Journal Club ‘Deaf children and young people’: Wednesday, 24th November, 2021: 4 pm – 5 pm
The Scottish Sensory Centre’s Journal Club is aimed at deaf and hearing professionals who are interested in deafness, with education and early years the primary focus. You will be based in the UK or the Republic of Ireland. You may be a Masters or PhD student, or a professional with a postgraduate qualification, working with deaf children or a research student in a related field, interested in further study. Your interests might be deaf education, deaf children, speech and language therapy, audiology, and/or Deaf Studies.
This Journal Club will meet once or twice a term. Each session will have two leaders who will facilitate the discussions in the main room and break out groups. Reading articles will either be articles in Deafness & Education International or otherwise open access. This is the second meeting of the Journal Club after our first meeting in June this year.
Facilitator: Rachel O’Neill, Senior lecturer, Deaf Education, University of Edinburgh
Cost: Free
Time: 4 pm – 5 pm
Online Platform: Zoom
Online Platform: Zoom
Restrictions: 12 places only
Closing date: 22nd November 2021
Aims of the Journal Club:
• Provide a safe and respected space for professionals with less experience to enhance their critical evaluation skills.
• Provide a platform to discuss what the research means to our practice and how it can impact our work.
• Develop a network of research-active or research-engaged peers to discuss current and future research ideas in deafness, from birth to adulthood.
• Provide a platform to discuss what the research means to our practice and how it can impact our work.
• Develop a network of research-active or research-engaged peers to discuss current and future research ideas in deafness, from birth to adulthood.
The paper we will discuss in the next Zoom meeting is below. All attendees are asked to read the article in advance at least twice and write down questions they were interested in following up. The prompt questions may help this process. They are taken from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP).
Szarkowski, A. and Brice, P.J., 2020. A Qualitative Study of Differences Among Hearing Parents Raising a Deaf Child: An Emergent Model Informed by Positive Psychology. Journal of the American Deafness & Rehabilitation Association (JADARA), 54(1).
There is a freely available author’s version of this paper on
To register follow this link