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28.03.2022 | By Teresa Quail

University of Edinburgh Summer School exclusively for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students (13th-15th June 2022)

Posted in News

News release
“University of Edinburgh will be running a Summer School exclusively for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students from Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th June 2022! This is an exciting opportunity for deaf and hard of hearing young people to find out more about different aspects of University life such as applying to the University, funding information and learn about different University services that is available to them as an University student. This follows on from last year’s successful event which was delivered online.
The summer school will be delivered on campus and is free for deaf and hard of hearing students all over the UK in S5/S6 (Year 12/13 in England/Wales or Year 13/14 in Northern Ireland) at school. Accommodation and catering will be provided at no extra charge.
More information is available on our BSL Plan webpage – https://www.ed.ac.uk/about/british-sign-language-plan/summer-school-2022 – please feel free to disseminate among your networks and social media platforms where applicable. If you or your organisation uses Twitter, please reshare the following tweet: https://twitter.com/BSL_EdinUni/status/1508448563294097413?s=20&t=z0Fyo5n4OE3Eije-vkHwWg
Applications are now open and if anyone is interested or has any questions, they can get in touch with me directly on bsl.plan@ed.ac.uk. Places are limited, and the deadline for applications is Monday 30th May at 5pm.”