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09.05.2022 | By Teresa Quail

Update from DfE – accessible versions of the green paper now available

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Update from DfE

“Today the Department for Education has published accessible versions of the green paper, including:

a full British Sign Language version to support those who are deaf or have a hearing impairment
an easy-read version to support those with learning disabilities
a guide to help children and young people with SEND or those in alternative provision to understand the green paper and respond to the consultation
The department is committed to ensuring the SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper and consultation process is fully accessible.
On the day of publication, we provided a ‘request alternative formats service’ to provide everyone the opportunity to engage with the green paper and consultation, this includes provision of Braille, audio and other language translations. We apologise that a full range of accessible resources was not available from the first day of the consultation.
We are extending the consultation period by 3 weeks, to 22 July 2022, to ensure everyone has the opportunity to take part in the consultation.