Here is a message from John Edmunds at the DfE:
Just a quick email to share our new and updated Wellbeing for Education Return resources that are now available for education staff who do not have access to locally adapted training and support, or to supplement existing local offers. These include a short, recorded webinar – ‘Every interaction matters’. It introduces a simple framework for promoting wellbeing, resilience and mental health, building on education staff’s existing roles, skills and personal qualities. It is intended for use by education leaders with all staff in staff or INSET sessions, or for education staff to work through individually.
This sits alongside the original Wellbeing for Education Return content covering issues such as bereavement, loss, anxiety, stress and trauma and signposting to free information and resources for education staff, children and young people, parents and carers.
John Edmunds
Team Leader
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Division
Department for Education